About the calendar
No ads, no clickbait, no virtual races or non-run/walk events, just the largest, fastest and most searchable collection of running events in the Pacific Northwest (AK, BC, ID, OR & WA).
In a nutshell this calendar lists most races of any distance in the Pacific Northwest (AK, BC, ID, OR & WA) and most marathons, ultras, triathlons and relays on the West Coast (PNW + AZ, CA, CO, HI, MT, NM, NV, UT & WY).

Mobile devices - May 9, 2019 - this calendar has now been optimized for mobile devices. It will look a little different from the original desktop version but functions in the same manner. Note - if you're seeing 3 calendar titles at different sizes at the top of the calendar then you probably have an older browser that doesn't support CSS media - the calendar will still function normally. If you'd prefer to keep using the desktop version you can find it here
When the calendar first loads, all upcoming races are displayed (current date forward).

You can more easily find the races you are interested
in by clicking on one or more of the radio buttons next to the race distance/type you are interested in, then clicking the "Search" button. Note - the radio buttons use "OR" logic, so, if you click on 5K and Trail, you'll get a list of 5Ks AND Trail races, not just 5K Trail races.

Trail Races - click Trail for all trail races, Trail-Short for trail races 15K or shorter, or Trail-Long for trail races half marathon distance and longer.

You can further refine your selection by selecting a city and a mile radius around that city to find races in a certain area. For instance 5Ks within 25 miles of Eugene, or Kids races within 50 miles of Boise.

The calendar currently lists over 3,000 events so I'd definitely recommend performing a search as opposed to scrolling through the entire calendar - with a few keyclicks you can perform any search in seconds.........

You can also search for events in any West Coast city using the search box top left on the banner, this also works in conjuction with race distance/type selections, but, not Travel Radius.

You can also bookmark a favorite search
, for instance, if you'd like to see all upcoming trail events on the West Coast (there's over 500 at the mo) this would be your bookmark  - http://pnwrunningcalendar.com/cal.php?event_title=&city=NoneC&distance%5B%5D=Trail  You can bookmark any search you do for later use.

The calendar also lists over 550 West Coast marathons/ultramarathons/relays, many of the N. Calif marathons are trail marathons, so I've included separate radio buttons for street and trail marathons.

You can choose to only see races in a single State by selecting that State in the City search box and selecting any mileage in the Radius search box. You can also select Regions, for instance, Pacific Northwest, Southwest, etc.

As always be sure to check a race's web page before you consider participating as details can change after calendar entry - just click on the event name, a race page link is always included.

If you'd like to add a race please click on this Add Race link.

About me
I first started an online race calendar when I was webmaster for the Willamette Valley Road Runners (formerly Willamette Valley Striders and Pheidippides Running and Walking Club) in 1996.
The calendar went through several format revisions and our club partnered with Gallagher Fitness Resources with a shared calendar in 2000.
I helped maintain that calendar for the next 14 years until GFR decided to move to RunSignup's calendar  where race directors could directly enter and maintain their own event pages.
However, I still believed there was a need for the older calendar and so I created this improved, expanded version on my own webspace. I relied heavily on my Welsh nephew Simon for helping his "Uncle Mike" with the PHP coding.
I hope you find this calendar useful, please email me if you have any questions, comments or suggestions..................

Mick Evans